Saturday, October 2, 2010

Try Being One

You call yourself a lady.
Profess like nobody’s business
That you deserve nothing less
Than a gentleman.
And yet
It seems as though
The ones you get to know
Can’t get the hint.
The only guys you end up with
Are on the bottom end
You are fed up with the fact
No one can see how much of a “lady
You claim to be on the daily.
That all they care about is sex
And they could care less
To see whats above the bedspread.
He must be blind
And its infuriating,
But I understand.
I understand that
Your lividity
Stems from the way
He fails to recognize
The worth beyond your thighs
But honey,
He is not fucking you for your mind.
And its
The most you could ask for
When shorts play peek-a-boo
With your backside
Blind-side his will from wanting to know
What lies on the other side
With the fact that your
Self worth that only runs
Thigh high
I’m sure you didn’t allow
His respect of you
To be based on
By how far your legs spread so
Maybe he’s the issue…
His fault
that you wear your
Shirts low
And your
Skirts high
And then he
Has the nerve to
Tell you that you could never be
His wife.
He must be out of his mind!
After all, you are a lady.
So much in fact that you
Take the club with you
From work and school
Just to watch ‘em gravel and drool
Only to feel dogged out and
I’m not saying that guys should use
The way we dress as an excuse
But ladies,
We have to part take in some
Of the blame too
That is
If you really call yourself a lady

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