Saturday, March 19, 2011


When I was 12 I was happy
Because I had gotten my first taste
of womanhood.
A river of red trickled from
Between my legs and
Like my mother
I could have a little girl
Of my very own.
But I didn't know the dropping
Of an egg
Would give forth to all these
Side effects.
100 different afflictions all umbrella-ed
Under three little letters
Preparing-Men for-Suicide
And you would think the visual reminder
Of being eggless would be enough but
I gotta have these moods like
Happy because I'm not pregnant
But sad 'cause my pants don't fit
Pissed off cause that clock on the wall
Keeps tick, tick, tick tocking along
My emotions are all out of whack
And all I want is a snack.
Ice cream, fried chicken, nachos
And a extra pepperoni thin crust
From Dominos
But I ain't hungry!
I get cold sweats and hot flashes
Cold flashes and hot sweats
All I want is a little bit of sex
(naw, a lotta bit of sex)
But i can't have it
And I'm constantly on edge because
I've got that syndrome
Sleeping all day well not really
Because I'm having a fight with my ovaries
And my back won't let me sleep on my
Stomach and my stomach
Won't let me sleep on my back.
But the same time my head is
Pounding and my ache's came back
Why me God?
Why me?
It just keeps bleeding and bleeding
And i'm not dying
Even though it is a testament to the strength
We women harvest
I don't have the energy to even disclose
Such an argument
To busy feeling, and not feeling
And dealing with cramps
Eating everything
Eating nothing
Mood swings
Far too busy
To acknowledge that even through all that
I still manage to make it through my day
That's strength
Too too busy
To be aware that I am
Breaking up with you for the fourth time today
Which is progress from the 6 times yesterday
Don't take me too seriously
After all
I'm just P-M-Sing
It all goes away soon
Well, until next month begins to crest
In the horizon
And that bitch you hate is back
For another ride

1 comment:

  1. Christopher ThurmanMarch 27, 2011 at 4:03 PM

    Thats What U Women Have 2 Go Through And What We Men Have 2 Deal With
