Saturday, March 19, 2011

Facebook STALKER

Dear New Facebook Friend,

Hi There.
I thought that it would be ok
To just add you as as friend
After all its only Facebook
Everyone knows that social networking sites
Are popularity contests
And we could both use a little help in the
Number area.

I thought that it would be safe
By the looks of it, you're miles away
And i could just delete you if things
Get a little too out of hand
Just another number
To add to my counter to say
I matter, I'm somebody, and people know me

I stand corrected.
As soon as I press the confirm button
You go into a frenzy of poking
Photo commenting
Status liking
I feel violated on all ends of the cyber spectrum
As is you were just waiting for me to say
"Yes! Look into my life, become apart of it,
Get to know me, Be my friend"
But wait I did say that didn't I?
Not really

This shall not be the beginning of
Any story of ours
Where we meet through mutual friends
And polite words turn into the exchange
Of numbers
And we're on a full blown commitment
That all started with Facebook
And we can have this quaint little story
To tell our friends on how we met
Through "mutual friends"
No honey, it will not go like that

We will not become great friends over
IM chats, messaging one another back to back
Flirting, for the sack of?
Self gratification,
Saving face from this cyber humiliation
Of having under 100 friends
But the revelation of it all is
That you were no one to begin with
And these creepy exclamations of your lover for me
will not heighten any other girls' expectations
Of what you're suppose to be

So I think it's time to take my face back
You've over stayed your welcome
And I'm about to pull the mace out
Stop now before you are
Back where you started
Friendless and lonely
I mean, dude
It's just Facebook
There are real people beyond
This screen
Just make sure that
Public stalking doesn't become your new hobby

Sincerely, Your Facebook Friend