To the Father who
I know tried to
Give his children the
Only to come out
empty handed.
Heads bow in disappointment
I know that it kills you
On the inside
To the Father who
Always said "we'll see"
Knowing that his
Bank account was empty
But still always found
A way to make it
Work, come through.
I salute you.
To the Father who
was reserved by
very little affection
most days.
Who'd stay intrigued
stimulated by
Chess board games
I can tell
You still had
A lot of love anyway
To the Father who
was laid back
and cool.
The goofy person that
My boyfriends never knew
Because they were all
Terrified of you mug.
They would come and go
But could never
break a
Father-Daughter love.
To the Father who laid his wife to rest
And didn't know what
He was going
To do with four little
Girls all sobbing
On his chest
I admire your strength
To the Father who
In times of
Distress and emotions
Gone array
Would pull everyone
Together with
Comforting words
May you always keep us
Together, I pray.
To the Father who
No matter what
Managed to stay afloat
Grew as we grew
Not Mr. Perfect,
But I wouldn't have it
Any other way
What I would like
Is just another
Year to say
Happy Father's Day
©Danie Rae
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....brings a knew perspective to my eyes about your father...
ReplyDeleteyou should read this to daddy