Like a child playing with his first toy,
Gently nudging against it
In all directions and the with least
Amount of friction as possible.
He, moves me.
Good morning love,
He whispers in my ear.
Running his fingers through my hair
Like cool waters in that country stream
On a hot summer day
Calm and collected
Stirred easily but not agitated
He moves me.
Like eyelids blinking, lashes curling outward
To meet the folds under your eye
Softly sweeping away impurities
Like learning how to walk
One leg placed simultaneously
In front of the other to create
A path that I will subconsciously
Follow till the end of my days
Moves me like the clouds move the wind
Like wind bouncing joyfully through
A meadow, allowing rhythm to
Become visual amongst cascades of
Assorted colors that invite me
To just lay and dream
He, moves me.
Like black notes riding along a white page
That play our song on repeat
Meant to compose a never ending ballad
Only to be heard within the radio that
We call our minds
Like stop lights moving traffic
Traffic moving cars and
Cars moving people
Like the Monday moving Tuesday to
Wednesday, Thursday and so on
Like the moon, that revolves around earth
That revolves around the sun
Constant and continuous
Like the four seasons
Through the hot and the cold
And those “just right” ones in between
Like the butterflies that migrate
By the thousands every year and,
He moves me, moves me
Like blood pumped from the
Right side of the heart to gather oxygen
And then carried to the
left side to be sent to the
Every single other part of the body
And He, moves me, moves in me
Like a life being brought into this
World, taking its first gasps
Of air and enjoying each
Moment of it
Like how the mother moves her children
To school and the children
Move the mother pull
Out a switch to whoop that ass
Like only a mother knows how to
Like the pen moves
Swiftly across the page to create
The letters to move the words into sentences
That is this poem
Like how the movie the notebook
Brought me to tears
Like how time gracefully ages
The proud Black woman
Unashamed of the life God has
Blessed her to live
And regretting nothing,
He moves me
Like the smooth pitch changes
In Diva Jill Scott’s voice:
You Love me especially different every time
You keep me on my feet happily excited
Like my first crush to my first kiss
To my first sense of heartache
And real heartbreak
Like Saturday morning cartoons
Back when they were still good
Like getting my license for the first time
Clenching it deeply as if
Freedom had been given to me
For the very first time
Like old school tunes that we love to dance to
Like scary movies
Like scary movie
Like Will and Jada because I hope that we will
Be just like them and
Not like Will and Jada because although
Move me you do, I need to argue too
Just to add balance,
Like socks moving to shoes and
Shoes trying to move the ground underneath
He, moves me
With excitement, through
This rollercoaster
Up and down
And back up again
Never a dull moment
Never without a dry eye
Or a hearty laugh
Life’s little surprises
Where a little boy pushes a little girl
Back and forth on a grade school swing set
And I experience the way
He moves me
©Danie Rae
i love it