Monday, March 28, 2011

If I were President
I would be the ONLY woman
with balls big enough
to make you my bitch
and call me Madame President

Friday, March 25, 2011

Poet's Wanted!!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Facebook STALKER

Dear New Facebook Friend,

Hi There.
I thought that it would be ok
To just add you as as friend
After all its only Facebook
Everyone knows that social networking sites
Are popularity contests
And we could both use a little help in the
Number area.

I thought that it would be safe
By the looks of it, you're miles away
And i could just delete you if things
Get a little too out of hand
Just another number
To add to my counter to say
I matter, I'm somebody, and people know me

I stand corrected.
As soon as I press the confirm button
You go into a frenzy of poking
Photo commenting
Status liking
I feel violated on all ends of the cyber spectrum
As is you were just waiting for me to say
"Yes! Look into my life, become apart of it,
Get to know me, Be my friend"
But wait I did say that didn't I?
Not really

This shall not be the beginning of
Any story of ours
Where we meet through mutual friends
And polite words turn into the exchange
Of numbers
And we're on a full blown commitment
That all started with Facebook
And we can have this quaint little story
To tell our friends on how we met
Through "mutual friends"
No honey, it will not go like that

We will not become great friends over
IM chats, messaging one another back to back
Flirting, for the sack of?
Self gratification,
Saving face from this cyber humiliation
Of having under 100 friends
But the revelation of it all is
That you were no one to begin with
And these creepy exclamations of your lover for me
will not heighten any other girls' expectations
Of what you're suppose to be

So I think it's time to take my face back
You've over stayed your welcome
And I'm about to pull the mace out
Stop now before you are
Back where you started
Friendless and lonely
I mean, dude
It's just Facebook
There are real people beyond
This screen
Just make sure that
Public stalking doesn't become your new hobby

Sincerely, Your Facebook Friend


When I was 12 I was happy
Because I had gotten my first taste
of womanhood.
A river of red trickled from
Between my legs and
Like my mother
I could have a little girl
Of my very own.
But I didn't know the dropping
Of an egg
Would give forth to all these
Side effects.
100 different afflictions all umbrella-ed
Under three little letters
Preparing-Men for-Suicide
And you would think the visual reminder
Of being eggless would be enough but
I gotta have these moods like
Happy because I'm not pregnant
But sad 'cause my pants don't fit
Pissed off cause that clock on the wall
Keeps tick, tick, tick tocking along
My emotions are all out of whack
And all I want is a snack.
Ice cream, fried chicken, nachos
And a extra pepperoni thin crust
From Dominos
But I ain't hungry!
I get cold sweats and hot flashes
Cold flashes and hot sweats
All I want is a little bit of sex
(naw, a lotta bit of sex)
But i can't have it
And I'm constantly on edge because
I've got that syndrome
Sleeping all day well not really
Because I'm having a fight with my ovaries
And my back won't let me sleep on my
Stomach and my stomach
Won't let me sleep on my back.
But the same time my head is
Pounding and my ache's came back
Why me God?
Why me?
It just keeps bleeding and bleeding
And i'm not dying
Even though it is a testament to the strength
We women harvest
I don't have the energy to even disclose
Such an argument
To busy feeling, and not feeling
And dealing with cramps
Eating everything
Eating nothing
Mood swings
Far too busy
To acknowledge that even through all that
I still manage to make it through my day
That's strength
Too too busy
To be aware that I am
Breaking up with you for the fourth time today
Which is progress from the 6 times yesterday
Don't take me too seriously
After all
I'm just P-M-Sing
It all goes away soon
Well, until next month begins to crest
In the horizon
And that bitch you hate is back
For another ride

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

We got a love like
The birds and the bees, like
Calm days with summer breezes, I
Never knew that peace could feel this right
Right? Peace
Like he's my sleep at night
He just might be my white knight
Because he lights my nights so bright
Pitch black
Like going blind
Hell, he could be my eyes if I ever lose sight
I'm just saying, it's kinda nice
That a breakup song
He makes me want to rewrite
like a right done wrong
His words take flight
Without wings he makes me want to fly
Flyer than most, even when he's grounded
He's elevated so high
If I ever were to float
It's his breath that gives me height
Grants me life, like atoms we share alike
If I'm the rib to him, like Adam and Eve
Then I think he's just found his wife.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"You love once. It may not be gold but love with passion and it lasts forever."- D. Thompson
"A Haiku is like a quickie: you have to pay attention or you'll miss it"- Staceyann Chin

Thursday, February 17, 2011


“You need to pick yo afro daddy,
Because its flat on one side.
You need to
Pick yo afro daddy.
Because its flat on one side.
Well, if you don’t pick yo afro,
You gonna have one side high.
You are going to have one side high
If you don’t adjust your sight
Acknowledge the right
For me to embrace me
I see you
 Checking me out
You notice that I’m beyond their eyes
Their boxed in lies
As real as they come
Because I’ve got no lye
Addicted to that oh so creamy crack
So good that it burns through ya insides
Pre processed
Overly obsessed
Sodium Hydroxide
Seeped through ya mind
Fried, dyed, laid to the side
And your less than 30 minutes away
From results of becoming
A little bit whiter
They cannot brainwash you
If you’re already doing it to yourself
Side effects may vary but they all imply
I will never be taken seriously
The words I perceive that far less worth
To your superiority
The genius I conceive will never be enough
As long as I don’t conform to the
West European ethnocentricity
Because my hair has too much of
Its own identity
The versatility is endless
With each strand is minding its own
He will never be into her
As long as she has an afro
honestly black men don’t dig the natural
She either has to find a pressing comb, flat iron
Or some Dark and Lovely
So much so that she starts to hate herself
Hides her roots on the monthly
Until her hair is as frail and submissive
As her spirit
Is losing yourself really worth it?
Its an unattractive fact
My daughter will constantly
Be told that
She’s not good enough when
Even straight hair comes on
Her black Barbie dolls
Mommy, is there something wrong?
I mean, am I ugly?
They imply that
I’ve got hair thicker than the
Societal comb will ever be able to
Get through
All its kinks
It must be straightened out
Along with the way I think
Seem impossible
But your teeth are too narrow
With each twisted strand
Holds a little more knowledge
And the kind of realities
That they don’t teach in college
We’ve all got to acknowledge
That it all started
With the root
No matter how hard you try to hide it
So remains the truth
Whether it curls, coils, stick out straight
Potent and inevitable
It will always be.
“If you don’t pick your afro,
You gonna have one side high”


Letter To My Closest

Love Drunk

Hi my name’s Danielle
And I’m addicted to love
Not just any love, but loving you
Loving you so much that it hurts
I’m still hung over from last night
Inebriated by the smell of your cologne
That manages to linger on my pillow
And damn, I should have burnt it but
Even after acceptance sobers my reality
Heartbreak still has me drunk
Taking shots to the head
No chaser
As if anything could dilute the sting of the truth
And being hurt is nothing new
So why am I a lightweight when it came to you?
Because life was a party when it came to you
Now your banishment has left me with a habit
And no clue to of how to recover
From the routine of being next to you
I need rehab
How is the single life suppose to be a rehab
When I can’t help but to relapse
Quickly losing my firm grasp of what love is
Suppose to be
Instead I’m 10 shots deep
This heart of mine is pretty damn close to
Suffering from a love-aholic’s poisoning
And all I want to do is sleep on any possibility
That there is anyone even out there for me
I can’t take another day of being this
Intangible day dream
This convenience coupon whose points never get
Its incomprehensible to only have wanted
The surprise of unexpected flowers but instead
Get handed a tower of tissues
Realizing that
The bitch in me was overpowered by the revelation
 That you misused me
And this current state of intoxication does nothing
To shake the fact from my memory.
Something about being this beside myself
Makes life so angry
I miss the days when I wasn’t clenching
To the wine glass of your memory
Our happiness was my sobriety
Where mental numbness
Wasn’t needed to put me to sleep
I’ve got that lover’s itch
Your visual enigma has me addicted
And I don’t want to go another 24 hours
Without experiencing the sweet taste
Of those lips
The withdrawals are too intense
I mean,
Do they even have centers for recovering lovers?
Cause I need a 12 step program or something
To get me over this hump,
Get me out of this slump
The days are taking forever to pass by
Hurt is losing its ability to quench my thirst
And the farther I become immersed to
Keep these emotions numb
The harder it is to reverse the permanent effects
Please, if only I could
Redirect myself to the path of
Positive recuperation
I could be…. Clean

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fine Dining

You say you want the most of me  
Can only take me in doses ,see
This is what you get when you overstep
Your boundaries
The lowest level of my complexities
Can’t even be digested by your mental abilities
Unable to harbor the capacity
So I think it’s time for some antacid tablets
Ease ya mind of these intellectual gases
Before it builds up, disaster strikes
And you’re brain farting to the masses
Let’s not overdo it baby
You’ve got to know your limit
And I want this fullness to be constant
This friendship to always satisfy
Even after the relationship fails to no longer
Relate you to me
Take it slow
Pace yourself
I said, take it slow
Pace yourself
Because the “itis” is real
And can leave you in a comatose state
Like a fine wine this mind must be
Sipped slowly
To truly appreciate its beauty
So small bites baby
Savor all of the flavors
Acknowledge all dimensions of the dish
How they work together so
It’ll be hard to find me inedible
After all, fine dining should not be
Comparable to
The meals indulged
Off of the dollar menu

Sunday, February 6, 2011




Do The Right Thing (Race Rant Scene)

Spike Lee not only exposes this issue of race in America, but pushes far past the envelope to show its reality. Sad part about it is, that even after twenty years later, these very exact problems still exist.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I, Too- Langston Hughes

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"

They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--

I, too, am America

Why Even Have History If You're Not Going To Celebrate It?

"If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated."- Carter G. Woodson

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ok, So I lied

Guess I won't be on hiatus, especially since tomorrow marks the beginning of Black History Month. Therefor, expect posts daily or as I choose. Thank ya kindly


Thursday, January 27, 2011

It has been decided....

I'm going to take a hiatus from the blog for while. Not that I don't love writing, but I have to focus on school and not to mention preparing my pieces for the slam team and whatnot. AND I'm having writer's block so what can ya do? But never fear, I'll be back soon enough loves!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"To live with a broken heart is to die a slow and painful death"- Rae

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hmmm I think It's Time For A Change......................