Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jill Scott- The Thickness

I love the way Jill speaks the truth, heck, she is the truth. This piece was especially inspirational to me.

I Miss You

Six years still feels like just yesterday.... thats all that can really be said. Happy Birthday

This time I’ll be there.
I’ll be there to say goodbye,
To celebrate your journey,
To not take life for granted,
To not take your life for granted,
To use my body to warm you back up,
To hold your hand,
Breathe life back into your lungs
Like the September breezes that
Remind me of you.
To call your name
Loud enough that you would feel
It in the pit of your soul
Only to rise from this eternal slumber.
This time I’ll save you
From your inner struggles,
Constantly at war with your mind.
Everyday is a battle,
And I know its painful.
This time I’ll fight with you
Become you secret service agent
To jump in front of you went the shot of Death passes by.
Part take in each tribulation
Carry your exhaustion on my shoulders
This time I’ll be there
Be interested in any and everything you
Have to say
Listen to your stories
Take heed in your guidance
Be thankful for the wisdom God has bestowed upon
Sing our favorite songs
Talk for hours until we fall asleep
So you don’t have to be alone,
with your inner thoughts
I’ll rewind time to go
Back just to lay near you
Enjoy every second
If only I had this time, or next time
But my last time was my last time
And i
Can’t change the past
Endure the results of our last words
To carry through the present
Try to fill my void from you of
Something else
But each is a constant reminder
Of what I did not get to
Had I still had you
I miss you

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I’d like you to think that I have it all together
Everything is on point
Not a hair out of place
 My outer being working like a well oiled machine
But internally,
Gears constantly
Out of place
I am slowing breaking down.
Spend my nights with tear stained pillows
Wrap myself up with 400 thread count
Woven from emptiness at night.
Wake up each morning trying
To scrub the layers of loneliness off my
So many times till it bleeds
I need
Someone to carry me to serenity,
I can’t stop hurting.
I pour a cup of heartbreak
And piercing
That it scolds my soul
Stir two packets
And drink it down to fill me up with the thought of luck.
This invisible layer that weighs me
10 ton.
I try to
Lift it,
Let it go
Free myself from this…
I want peace 

Monday, September 27, 2010


Its rare that I disclose any of the people that influence my work. However, this piece just screamed dedication, unfortunatley ...... Reading is only half the matter. I hope you can understand where we stood (you know who you are).

How do I begin
To tell the tale of
What has come to pass,
Of what
Maybe I wanted to last
But finally fell short
Because I was tired of dealing with your ass.
A friendship like this should never be
There was no use in being fri-enimies
“I love you, then I hate you, then I love you”
Type vocabulary
But this tug-o-war relationship
Never worked since
We’re on opposite ends
One pulling the other in the wrong direction,
I can’t do this anymore.
Drawing in open seams as if it were a chore
Having to constantly restore
The good time we once had before.
Washing my scabs of my
Anger for you on a daily basis hurts.
And while each feel as though the other
Has been deserted
I just want to let go of this
But how can I
Without allowing you to fall hard.
No one to catch you, because we’re both pulling alone,
Or do I just stop pulling
Allowing you to drag me
Along for the ride until
I’m neck deep in murky water
I am not strong enough.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Naturally, this hair keeps opening me up to realtiy....."- Rae (That's me! lol)

Friday, September 24, 2010


Talent runs in the family! This is a piece done by my little sister Gabby. Enjoy.

No more "baby's" and "I love you"
Not a chance in the world to say I do
A love ended when life began
Change, time, and social fun
Killed it slowly
A painful drift to separate places
No more caking and dancing
The romance
Has been lifted
And I must act as if I don't miss it
Your soothing voice putting me to sleep
Replaced with tears as I think
Of you and me
A love lost in the dust
After the destruction caused by us
All the promises broken
No love kept as a token
Torn apart and misled
Mind so stubborn, will never change
Not even for your lover

I must forget that this existed
A touch from your finger making me happy
Your silly and twisted
Stories every day
Being able to talk all my pain away
A love so pure and innocent
Never forced or minuscule
Filled the room when we walked in it
Reminded so many
What might have been missing

Acting as if I don't think about you
Or jump for joy when I hear from you
Reminding myself every second
That we might never turn back
Giving up as the days grow longer
Locking those sweet memories away
And rubbing all chips off my shoulder
Trying to forget this pain is inside when I see you
Plastering a smile on my face
And know I'm looking my best
So you can see what you've missed
Acting every day
Causes more drift
And sooner or later
My love for you is like a mist
Can't be seen nor heard
And after all this
I still can't be your friend

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Why do we hate those that we are most like?"

First Time

We both lay silent
Too nerved and unwilling to touch each other
Because of what we did.
We kept quiet,
Thinking that this has to be kept a secret
As if it’s we were suppose to regret
The invasion of the each other’s
Space, what is deemed to be private
But indeed I felt alive
Halfway through realizing that a personal bubble (more like a block)
Need no longer be an issue
And that holding you, interlocking fingers was
 A joy within itself and yet
That lips locked rocked my insides to very core
Sweeping away the rot of heartbreak into this new feeling
I had never felt before.
We lay silent
Reluctant to look at one another in the eye
Hoping that these moments of awkwardness will
Soon pass by
Praying that I will choose not to stay the night,
To finally move on with our lives.
But I find it silently insane not to wait to cherish
People stare,
Turn their heads
Trying to divert their attention
away from the fact
That my afro has the
Power to distract,
Catch eyes like road signs
From miles away
"Beautiful head of hair coming
Up on your right, Exit Now"
But the smalls towns
always get overlooked
Major traffic going
Toward bigger, better
Artificial acts
Not that I'm craving attention, desparate for any and everyone to look..... but every once in a while, it would be kinda of nice.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Reasons Unknown

You are,
Not my reason for living
But you sure come close
To reasoning, easily
Making life filled with
A little less misery
Although you are that
Wine glass to which I
Am not ready to give
myself away to sensibly
To be drunk off of your love
Like reviving my life too
You do
Bring me back to this
Youth, adding years
Allowing our times together
Seem like they will never
End, I think I have
Found that fountain
And the trail to that
Secret starts in your eyes
And ends levels six deep
In your heart
But to my surprise
It’s already been dug up
So I began to look elsewhere
Because obviously I got the
Wrong map right?
At least that’s what I’ll tell myself
Being lead only by the
Sound of your voice
And I think I  trust you,
Knowing that this may be the
Only way that we will still
Be together
“Just relax” you say,
 And I will look elsewhere
Taking my journey deeper 
And deeper in the
Depths of the unknown
Not quite like Africa
But it has a jungle of its own
And you tell me that
It’s here here where
I’ll find our love, how
Our lives are intertwined for an eternity
Like two vines gently tangled
Bearing fruit on all ends
No time and yes, I do want you
To be mine so I’ll do
Anything to make you happy
Hoping that you will fall
Madly in these arms
Into these hands and
I will fall madly into that heart
I will give myself to you
Apart from the fact
That you will never truly
Understand what happens
When you take hold of
My hand
I am ready to submit
But all you can think about is
If it can take it
And how you can
Tell your friends about
How you turned this trick out
And all I’m trying to figure out
How the
Trail detoured off
From your eyes to your
To my inner walls
Secretly joking that
I will never be your only,
adding yet another
Notch to your belt
Knowing that you never
Really cared how I felt
And I’ll act as though I
Never knew because
I’ll do anything just to be
Close to you
My emotions quarrel
The secretions subdue
You turn over
And use my tears as the
Lullaby to your dreams
Sweet music indeed

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So Lately.................

I guess since rockin' the fro, I have been getting more attention from older guys (like late 20s, early 30s). And while I do not mind the attention, it does feel a little weird. So I wrote this little line in homage to all the cradle rockers out there. Enjoy!

I know you think maybe it’s ok,
That it’s cool,
Because just like you I’m a 80s baby.
 And you’re think just maybe baby,
 We could make a baby maybe.
But you’re like 80 baby,
And I’m not into the 80 baby,
Just the 80s baby.

Planet Earth

The skies are blue living in a world with you.
Our innocence together placed in it clouds of white.
The way you light up my day hangs the sun,
Yellow in the sky.
How our love has grown plants the grass all around.
 Yet the tears make up the seas,
Tossing back and forth with the wind that whistles our words.
Where the trees sway back and forth,
filled with the leaves of our memories.